Spring is Popping Up All Over

Happy spring equinox. It rained and snowed here today, winter's last hurrah. But the daylight is lasting longer, midterms have come and gone, and spring is upon us!

Along with the crocuses and snowdrops, some new Pop-Up classes are making their entry through the dregs of a long, difficult winter. I'm going to schedule them for the whole season, and they are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please sign up for only one to start with; if there's still room this Friday, you can sign up for one or two more.

I've pre-selected topics based on what's come up in recent conversations with my clientele, and where I think I can be useful. Here are the topics for spring:

April: Adjectives & Adverbs ~ Strategies for studying, understanding, and differentiating between them.

May: Art Deco & Other Clips ~ Specifically 1920s-1930s lingo, with an eye on better understanding what clips are and how they work.

June: Summertime Words ~ Starting with the word summer and expanding from there, this will prime your pump for summertime study sessions.

The dates and times are below. You can only sign up by commenting, not in email. To sign up, make sure you click on the post and indicate your interest in the comments, using Disqus or one of the other online profiles. Make sure I confirm your participation; if I don't, it means I haven't seen your comment. Flag me down.

I look forward to seeing you in one or more classes!