Starting Points

"Dear Gina,

"I am currently enrolled in your Stress and the Schwa LEXinar. I am fascinated by what you are teaching, but I also feel very overwhelmed. I am at the beginning of my journey with all of this. I have recently taken the OG Associate Level Training, and now I have no idea what to do with my 10 year old, and 6 year old dyslexic students. Do I merge OG and SWI in my structured lessons? Do I begin with word sums and word matrices and forget the OG format (drills and dictations, etc)? You offer a wealth of accurate knowledge to a vulnerable group. Thank you sincerely, and I am sorry to trouble you."

"Dear Gina,

"Is there a plan to follow to teach my son? Or really will just studying words be enough? Previous phonic based curriculums have covered reading, writing, spelling & grammar. My son couldn’t really do any of it, but I had something to follow, right now I just feel like I’m floundering from one word study to the next!"

"Dear Gina,

"All my kids are dyslexic, so am I. I love SWI but am feeling soooo overwhelmed. I feel I need some scripted lessons to help me learn SWI then I can make it more dynamic / on the fly. I’m not feeling confident enough to move forward."

"Dear Gina,

"Where do I begin?"