A Compounding Pop-Up

If you and yours are wondering why you haven't heard from me in this space, it's because I was unable to post all month due to a technical glitch. The host site had put out an upgrade, but I had some code incompatible with the upgrade. I had to hire someone to correct that, and figuring out what was going on took me the better part of the month.

I have a longer post that I drafted a couple of weeks ago, which I will finish up and post later today or tomorrow, before the month is out.

But I did want to announce a new Pop-Up class, on Compounding. The class will deal with compounding at various levels of linguistic analysis, along with touching on simple and complex forms.

The class is, as always, open to the first 25 people who comment below the blog post. Do NOT EMAIL ME to try to sign up. You can only join by creating a Disqus profile and commenting ON THE ACTUAL BLOG POST. Sorry to yell; I'm just trying to spare myself a couple dozen floundering emails.

The class is scheduled as follows:

Terms and conditions apply.