How To Read Shameless

There has been some confusion in recent days about how to read these posts.

Since the recent site updates, the way I separate paid from unpaid subscriber access has changed, and now there are some dummy posts that are running interference with how people access the full post. I believe I've figured out how to circumnavigate that going forward, but if the last three posts have ended unsatisfactorily for you, then please revisit them:

A Choice to Rejoice

Hey, Punkin'

And especially, Independence Day.

You definitely want to read Independence Day all the way through. If it ends with "Here they are," then that's not the end. Click on the link above to read the full post. You really want to read this especially if you've ever taken Spellinars or are studying with Real Spelling, because you've been lied to. Now that I'm exposing the lie, people are removing evidence of it from the Internet.  

While I don't anticipate that there will be problems going forward with new posts, I did want to make sure everyone had access. I'm a pretty good writer, and I'm much better at conclusions than "Here they are" or "Allow me to explain." If the post you can see ends with something like that, the rest of it is behind the paywall, and it's on the full website.

My apologies for the extra work.