I'm not calling this out because I love to be the smartest, or because I think it makes me morally superior. It certainly isn't making me richer.
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I'm not calling this out because I love to be the smartest, or because I think it makes me morally superior. It certainly isn't making me richer.
Middle English is a bit of an orthographic free-for-all, but by the Early Modern Period, say about 1550 or 1600, the present-day spellings of these words had taken root.
If you and yours are wondering why you haven't heard from me in this space, it's because I was unable to post all month due to a technical glitch. The host site had put out an upgrade, but I had
"Spelling is so multidimensional," said my friend. "There's grammar here, etymology, lexical phonology, and prosody.""It's everything," I agreed. "Spelling is never just spelling."
I am in the final throes of my dissertation, and it is painful. I am running out of time, and while I will finish the dissertation, I may not finish the degree if I cannot meet the necessary deadlines. I'm as OK
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