
A collection of 19 posts

Body and Mind

What I mostly love to show my students is how the suffix <-ly> actually works in English. A lot of people believe – falsely – that any word that ends in an <-ly> suffix is an adverb. It's not. Here's the truth.

No Lie

If you own a LEX Grapheme Deck, it won't help you if it stays in its carton on a shelf. If you don't own one, go buy one now.

All For Naught

All For Naught

But the orthographic phonology is not the only thing that governs grapheme choice; pronunciation alone is way overrated when it comes to orthography.

So Proud

So Proud

I am a cis-gendered, heterosexual white woman with all kinds of privilege. I am not an expert on LGBTQIA+; I'm just an ally.

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