You really want to read this especially if you've ever taken Spellinars or are studying with Real Spelling, because you've been lied to.
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You really want to read this especially if you've ever taken Spellinars or are studying with Real Spelling, because you've been lied to.
I have been scorned, and while they say that hell hath no fury, I don't really feel fury. Not even anger. Just, jaw-dropping incredulity at the grotesque audacity and the blistering hypocrisy.
Your Facebook groups still do not understand this basic premise: You. Must. Have. Etymological. Evidence. For. The. Morphemes. You. Posit. Even in pumpkin.
A couple of years ago, I had to disabuse the ginormous Facebook SWI groups of their belief that that -s in besides and perhaps was marking a plural in words like besides, towards, afterwards, or perhaps after no one bothered to stop and figure out that there is no such thing as one *perhap.
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