
A collection of 6 posts

As The Year(s) Turn(s)

Most teachers only get a year with their kids in a classroom. I always encourage parents to take the long-range view of literacy, the understanding that literacy is something that develops over the course of a lifetime, not overthe course of a school year.



This, then, below, is the first in my Dissertation Station posts. It's not new writing; it's excerpted from my dissertation proposal. But I haven't published this anywhere before now.

Life Sentence: A Short Drama

Life Sentence: A Short Drama

10th Grader: “A run-on sentence is a sentence without a period, and a sentence fragment is…is a…I have no idea.” [Looks defeated, ashamed.] Me: “So what makes a sentence a sentence?” 

10th Grader: “I honestly have no idea.” Me: "You're in excellent company. Most adults I ask also cannot tell me."

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