What I have learned from these historians is that witnessing matters. Getting the facts right matters, and getting names right matters. But you know what doesn't always matter? Spelling.
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What I have learned from these historians is that witnessing matters. Getting the facts right matters, and getting names right matters. But you know what doesn't always matter? Spelling.
So much of the work is just laying brick. Lists of ideas. Abandoned drafts. Troubleshooting. Nothing glamorous or gilded about it. This is the stage I'm in with this website: laying brick. I have visions of gilt and grandeur, but it will take some time to build it.
Announcing two upcoming Pop-Up classes, free of charge! These classes are available to subscribers only.
10th Grader: “A run-on sentence is a sentence without a period, and a sentence fragment is…is a…I have no idea.” [Looks defeated, ashamed.] Me: “So what makes a sentence a sentence?” 10th Grader: “I honestly have no idea.” Me: "You're in excellent company. Most adults I ask also cannot tell me."
English has a robust collection of words for writing. All of them have a bloodline that reveals both the physical and psychic work of writing.
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