"All three of these contexts reveal to us significant differences between the Anglo-Saxon psychology or anthropology and that of Present-Day English speakers."
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"All three of these contexts reveal to us significant differences between the Anglo-Saxon psychology or anthropology and that of Present-Day English speakers."
"The LEX Grapheme Deck has separate <q> and <qu> cards. But there is no <q> grapheme in English, nor in Latin, nor in French."
It's the third anniversary of Shameless Spelling, and I'm celebrating with three new Pop-Up classes for the spring. The proposed Pop-Up topics are based on conversations with clients and students over the past several months. Here are the classes for
This kind of error arises from mistaken thinking about orthography.
I mean, that kid can read. Not perfectly, but what second grader does? And not always eagerly, but more and more willingly with each successful experience.
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