
A collection of 15 posts

No Fooling!

Our 10th Etymology!™ conference will take place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, April 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. The date is no joke. An EarlyBird registration discount will be made available later this month, but to qualify, you have to (a) be a paid Shameless Spelling

Body and Mind

What I mostly love to show my students is how the suffix <-ly> actually works in English. A lot of people believe – falsely – that any word that ends in an <-ly> suffix is an adverb. It's not. Here's the truth.

No Lie

If you own a LEX Grapheme Deck, it won't help you if it stays in its carton on a shelf. If you don't own one, go buy one now.

All For Naught

All For Naught

But the orthographic phonology is not the only thing that governs grapheme choice; pronunciation alone is way overrated when it comes to orthography.

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