#Friday Food for Thought

A collection of 14 posts

A Choice to Rejoice

A couple of years ago, I had to disabuse the ginormous Facebook SWI groups of their belief that that -s in besides and perhaps was marking a plural in words like besides, towards, afterwards, or perhaps after no one bothered to stop and figure out that there is no such thing as one *perhap.

As The Year(s) Turn(s)

Most teachers only get a year with their kids in a classroom. I always encourage parents to take the long-range view of literacy, the understanding that literacy is something that develops over the course of a lifetime, not overthe course of a school year.

Laying Brick

Laying Brick

So much of the work is just laying brick. Lists of ideas. Abandoned drafts. Troubleshooting. Nothing glamorous or gilded about it. This is the stage I'm in with this website: laying brick. I have visions of gilt and grandeur, but it will take some time to build it.

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