Everyone already knows what these three words mean, but I'm focused here on how these words are built, because they're all built differently.
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Everyone already knows what these three words mean, but I'm focused here on how these words are built, because they're all built differently.
"Your 'What does < s > spell?' activities and correlating stories have been right at her level!" my colleague texted. "Did you happen to create any others?"
As with morphemes, there is a lot to learn about phrases beyond a basic dictionary definition of them, but you don't have to know a whole lot to use them for study.
Most teachers only get a year with their kids in a classroom. I always encourage parents to take the long-range view of literacy, the understanding that literacy is something that develops over the course of a lifetime, not overthe course of a school year.
"Research shows that dyslexic children need systematic instruction. Do you agree with this, and how do you address that in your approach?"
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