Optimality Theory focuses more on competing constraints than on conventions, and it considers that the optimal form is the one that incurs the least egregious contraventions of those constraints.
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Optimality Theory focuses more on competing constraints than on conventions, and it considers that the optimal form is the one that incurs the least egregious contraventions of those constraints.
There. Is. No. Rule. That. Cranberry / Unique / Fossilized. Morphemes. Can't. Be. Analyzed.
Does a proverb really has anything to do with a verb?
Pop-Up classes are like travel: With limited time available, I want to somehow simultaneously revisit my favorite places AND go somewhere new. Therefore, when I offer Pop-Ups for a season,
It's the third anniversary of Shameless Spelling, and I'm celebrating with three new Pop-Up classes for the spring. The proposed Pop-Up topics are based on conversations with clients and students over the past several months. Here are the classes for
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