Hot Topics: Summer Pop-Ups

Hot Topics: Summer Pop-Ups

Pop-Up classes are like travel: With limited time available, I want to somehow simultaneously revisit my favorite places AND go somewhere new.

Therefore, when I offer Pop-Ups for a season, I try to offer a mix of classes I've already offered and new stuff. If you've already taken a Pop-Up on a repeated topic, then please leave the opportunity for others, unless there's still room after a week or two.

Please remember that the Pop-Up classes are for paid subscribers only. That's $6/month or $60/year, a price that has not increased in over two years. It's a latte a month. It's dinner out for two (without drinks) a year. Some paid subscribers manage to take a Pop-Up every month, or close to it. Even ONE Pop-Up at $60 is a steal. And that's on top of ongoing access to the articles here.

Sometime soon, I will be working with my designer to develop a new website incorporating LEX, Shameless, and a few other endeavors under a single umbrella. At that time, the subscription fee for new subscribers will likely increase a little; current subscribers may retain their subscription rate for life.

If you are not a paid subscriber, please do not email me and ask me for entry into the Pop-Up classes. Please do not whine at me about what you can't afford. That happens every time I post about these classes, and honestly, it's just rude. This is part of how I earn a living. Big Love to the paid subscribers who understand that.

These hot Pop-Up topics, as always, are based on conversations with clients and students over the past several months. Here are the classes for the season:

July: Denotations & Connotations ~ Steps for understanding entries in Etymonline and other online dictionaries in order to determine the denotation of a base element and how affixes do and do not express meaning.

August: Adjectives & Adverbs ~ A repeat Pop-Up with an in-depth study of adjectives and adverbs, how they do and do not work, and how they can be studied with students.

September: Sentence Study ~ The basics of how to study (understand, analyze, and identify) sentence form and function through a descriptive syntactic understanding instead of through prescriptive definitions and rules.

The dates and times are below. Please sign up by commenting, not in email. To sign up, make sure you click on the post and indicate your interest in the comments, using Disqus or one of the other online profiles available. I need to confirm your participation by recognizing your comment, so if you can see your comment but not my response after 24 hours, then you may email me.

You may request all 3 classes, but please indicate your order of preference so that I can spread out the opportunities for study as fairly as possible.

Stay cool with these hot Pop-Ups!

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