"Research shows that dyslexic children need systematic instruction. Do you agree with this, and how do you address that in your approach?"
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"Research shows that dyslexic children need systematic instruction. Do you agree with this, and how do you address that in your approach?"
First, if you're dying for a scope and sequence, pick any program and use it as a guide. Just don't pass along the inherent lies. Second, and more importantly, there absolutely are core understandings that must be developed when studying the writing system with students of any age.
So much of the work is just laying brick. Lists of ideas. Abandoned drafts. Troubleshooting. Nothing glamorous or gilded about it. This is the stage I'm in with this website: laying brick. I have visions of gilt and grandeur, but it will take some time to build it.
Announcing two upcoming Pop-Up classes, free of charge! These classes are available to subscribers only.
I’m probably gonna cuss and stuff, and call out lies as lies, and thieves as thieves, as I’ve always done. There are no sacred cows here.
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