

Pop-Ups are classes offered free to paid Shameless Spelling subscribers, pretty much monthly, on a variety of subjects.

Spring is Popping Up All Over

Happy spring equinox. It rained and snowed here today, winter's last hurrah. But the daylight is lasting longer, midterms have come and gone, and spring is upon us! Along with the crocuses and snowdrops, some new Pop-Up classes are making their entry

A Compounding Pop-Up

If you and yours are wondering why you haven't heard from me in this space, it's because I was unable to post all month due to a technical glitch. The host site had put out an upgrade, but I had

Feeling Fried?

I'd like to offer a Fry List Pop-Up, to help those who have to work with this infernal list (1) learn to organize words for meaningful study, and (2) consider the value of having such a list for study, if not for memorization.

Terms and conditions apply.