Middle English is a bit of an orthographic free-for-all, but by the Early Modern Period, say about 1550 or 1600, the present-day spellings of these words had taken root.
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Middle English is a bit of an orthographic free-for-all, but by the Early Modern Period, say about 1550 or 1600, the present-day spellings of these words had taken root.
"Spelling is so multidimensional," said my friend. "There's grammar here, etymology, lexical phonology, and prosody.""It's everything," I agreed. "Spelling is never just spelling."
How many teachers get defensive when caught in an error by a student? The alternative is so much more fun.
"Research shows that dyslexic children need systematic instruction. Do you agree with this, and how do you address that in your approach?"
Of course, when you see that list, you can see that the word grapheme literally – LITERALLY literally – already means 'marker.'
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