"Your 'What does < s > spell?' activities and correlating stories have been right at her level!" my colleague texted. "Did you happen to create any others?"
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"Your 'What does < s > spell?' activities and correlating stories have been right at her level!" my colleague texted. "Did you happen to create any others?"
As with morphemes, there is a lot to learn about phrases beyond a basic dictionary definition of them, but you don't have to know a whole lot to use them for study.
I love to see how words take shape in the lives of the children and families I study with. I know what happens in our study sessions together, but I'm always curious about what their conversations about words and language and literacy
I'd like to offer a Fry List Pop-Up, to help those who have to work with this infernal list (1) learn to organize words for meaningful study, and (2) consider the value of having such a list for study, if not for memorization.
Worse, perhaps, than the breaches themselves are those of you who stood around starry-eyed and complicit and – worst of all – totally un-fucking-questioning while it happened.
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